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 Albert Leung 

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About Dr. Leung

Who I Am

As a leader in pharmacognosy and natural products, Albert Leung is dedicated to providing the highest quality herbal products. With a wealth of experience and knowledge, Albert Leung has founded PBN Naturals LLC, co-founded MIMOSA Therapeutics, and developed the innovative Phyto-True™ system at the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Our commitment to excellence ensures that our readers receive straightforward, concise, and insightful information on the latest developments in the field. Stay fully informed and follow Albert Leung for expert analysis and updates.

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Consulting Services

Albert Leung offers a range of consulting services for businesses in the natural products and pharmacognosy industry. These services include product development, quality control, and regulatory compliance. To learn more about how Albert can help your business, please contact us.

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I recently realized that many people aren't familiar with "Buy Me a Coffee" (BMC), the fundraising platform I've chosen for its simplicity. It allows supporters to contribute by purchasing a virtual coffee for $5 each, without the need for a monthly subscription like Patreon. I'm currently dedicating my efforts to the Worldwide Consortium and inviting others to join our initiative, PBN Naturals aka PBN Pearls. Our goal is to produce natural PBN psychedelics and mycelia for mental healthcare, aiming to replace toxic synthetic drugs. By buying a coffee through BMC, you can support our mission to develop and distribute natural, affordable mental health treatments. As the founder, I guide the production of natural magic mushroom mycelia containing Psilocybin, Baeocystin, and Norbaeocystin, ensuring they are free from synthetic contaminants and GMOs.

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